In times of desperation sometimes all we have is faith and the hope of a miracle. As a reader of kidzense you most likely have children or are connected to a child in some way. I am sure you will be able to relate to the story below and can only begin to imagine what a devastating event this is for this little girl and her family. What follows is the story of an eighth grade girl named Allyson Kafka and a tragic turn of events in her health.
Please think of Ally and keep her in your prayers.
Thank You,
Ally is currently in the PICU unit at Hopkins. Her body is rejecting the bone marrow and she has developed severe infections in her central line and blood stream. She has a condition called VOD that is just devastating and too horrible to describe. She was confirmed last night by our pastor and I believe he also did the sacrament of last rites. Sister has asked us to “storm heaven” with our prayers for a miracle because that is truly what Ally needs. I ask all of you to please remember Ally in your prayers. It is truly touch and go right now.
I thank you for your prayers. Maybe together we can work a miracle.
Everything was going well for Allyson this year. She was loving her new school and making many new friends at Our Lady of Hope/St. Luke.
Ally got all A's and A+s on her first report card. She was enjoying her third year of ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop and looking forward to all of the 8th grade graduation events as well as confirmation.
She took the high school placement test at Catholic High and has been so excited about going to TCHS next year.
On December 9th, I took Ally and Megan for seasonal flu shots (Zack had already gotten his.) I asked the pediatrician for some blood work on Ally. When she had teeth fall out, she seemed be bleed a little longer than I would expect. When she got bruises (which was not often), they seemed a little bigger than I would expect.
My mom said she had this happen also so I thought maybe Ally had some clotting issue. We got the call the following day that Ally's platelets and white count were low and to bring her back on Friday, Dec. 11th for a repeat.
We were a little worried but thought it likely more a lab error. On the 11th, we were just about the head out the door to get Megan to her last final of the semester and then off for some shopping when the phone call came that Ally's platelets and white count were critically low and to get her to the ER at Bay view.
We were panicked and Ally was really scared. They talked about the possibility of an autoimmune issue and giving Ally some IV immunoglobulin to boost her own immune response.
They said that they were not fully equipped for pediatrics and sent us to downtown Hopkins. Ally was admitted and by Sunday, they were talking about doing a bone marrow biopsy. Again, panic. . . Ally had the biopsy done on December 15th and we were discharged on the 16th to outpatient services pending results. We took Ally there twice a week for platelet transfusions. On 12/23 we got the diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome with monosomy 7.
Ally's bone marrow was not producing normal cells and there was actually a change in the chromosome. Ally would need a bone marrow transplant. More panic and many tears followed. The next step was testing for a match. Jason, Megan, Zack, and I were tested on 12/28 and on January 5th, we got the news that Zack was a full match!!!! Thank you God! We began the long process of pre-transplant testing. On January 19th, Ally had another bone marrow biopsy in preparation for the transplant. She was scheduled for admission on Feb.3rd for chemotherapy and then the actual transplant (Zack's bone marrow harvest day) on February 9th. On January 22nd we had an outpatient visit and got the news that the bone marrow biopsy from the 19th was back and that the bone marrow cells had already transitioned to leukemia.
There are no words to describe that moment. Shock, anger, sadness, complete disbelief. The bone marrow transplant would have to wait. They said we could have the weekend but needed to come back Monday, January 25th for Allyson to start chemotherapy. Ally was admitted, got her central line surgically placed and began chemotherapy. The admission was planned for about 4 weeks but ended up being 47 days. In the end we learned that the chemo did not work in getting Ally's leukemia into remission. We were going to be admitted for more chemo but then the MDs decided to try an outpatient chemo drug. The follow-up bone marrow showed that this too was not successful. A full match transplant would not help since Zack's marrow so closely matched Ally's that it too might not destroy the leukemia. It was decided to do a haplo or half-matched transplant with my marrow to give Ally's body an immune response to hopefully fight the leukemia. We were re-admitted for chemo 3/31/10 and had the transplant done 4/07/10. Now we wait and we pray.
This journey will not be an easy one and we will need the continued love, prayers, and support of each of you during this time. Please continue to pray with us that Allyson (and our family) will have the strength, courage, and faith to walk this path. Thank you.
Ally got all A's and A+s on her first report card. She was enjoying her third year of ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop and looking forward to all of the 8th grade graduation events as well as confirmation.
She took the high school placement test at Catholic High and has been so excited about going to TCHS next year.
On December 9th, I took Ally and Megan for seasonal flu shots (Zack had already gotten his.) I asked the pediatrician for some blood work on Ally. When she had teeth fall out, she seemed be bleed a little longer than I would expect. When she got bruises (which was not often), they seemed a little bigger than I would expect.
My mom said she had this happen also so I thought maybe Ally had some clotting issue. We got the call the following day that Ally's platelets and white count were low and to bring her back on Friday, Dec. 11th for a repeat.
We were a little worried but thought it likely more a lab error. On the 11th, we were just about the head out the door to get Megan to her last final of the semester and then off for some shopping when the phone call came that Ally's platelets and white count were critically low and to get her to the ER at Bay view.
We were panicked and Ally was really scared. They talked about the possibility of an autoimmune issue and giving Ally some IV immunoglobulin to boost her own immune response.
They said that they were not fully equipped for pediatrics and sent us to downtown Hopkins. Ally was admitted and by Sunday, they were talking about doing a bone marrow biopsy. Again, panic. . . Ally had the biopsy done on December 15th and we were discharged on the 16th to outpatient services pending results. We took Ally there twice a week for platelet transfusions. On 12/23 we got the diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome with monosomy 7.
Ally's bone marrow was not producing normal cells and there was actually a change in the chromosome. Ally would need a bone marrow transplant. More panic and many tears followed. The next step was testing for a match. Jason, Megan, Zack, and I were tested on 12/28 and on January 5th, we got the news that Zack was a full match!!!! Thank you God! We began the long process of pre-transplant testing. On January 19th, Ally had another bone marrow biopsy in preparation for the transplant. She was scheduled for admission on Feb.3rd for chemotherapy and then the actual transplant (Zack's bone marrow harvest day) on February 9th. On January 22nd we had an outpatient visit and got the news that the bone marrow biopsy from the 19th was back and that the bone marrow cells had already transitioned to leukemia.
There are no words to describe that moment. Shock, anger, sadness, complete disbelief. The bone marrow transplant would have to wait. They said we could have the weekend but needed to come back Monday, January 25th for Allyson to start chemotherapy. Ally was admitted, got her central line surgically placed and began chemotherapy. The admission was planned for about 4 weeks but ended up being 47 days. In the end we learned that the chemo did not work in getting Ally's leukemia into remission. We were going to be admitted for more chemo but then the MDs decided to try an outpatient chemo drug. The follow-up bone marrow showed that this too was not successful. A full match transplant would not help since Zack's marrow so closely matched Ally's that it too might not destroy the leukemia. It was decided to do a haplo or half-matched transplant with my marrow to give Ally's body an immune response to hopefully fight the leukemia. We were re-admitted for chemo 3/31/10 and had the transplant done 4/07/10. Now we wait and we pray.
This journey will not be an easy one and we will need the continued love, prayers, and support of each of you during this time. Please continue to pray with us that Allyson (and our family) will have the strength, courage, and faith to walk this path. Thank you.
Ally is currently in the PICU unit at Hopkins. Her body is rejecting the bone marrow and she has developed severe infections in her central line and blood stream. She has a condition called VOD that is just devastating and too horrible to describe. She was confirmed last night by our pastor and I believe he also did the sacrament of last rites. Sister has asked us to “storm heaven” with our prayers for a miracle because that is truly what Ally needs. I ask all of you to please remember Ally in your prayers. It is truly touch and go right now.
I thank you for your prayers. Maybe together we can work a miracle.
1 comment:
We all love you dearly, Ally. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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