There is a little more than a month till we ring in the New Year and so much to do between decorating and gift getting and holiday get togethers it can be overwhelming. Or with a little planning it can be the stuff that creates some lifelong memories.
So don't let the stress of the Holidays turn you into a Scrooge take a pause and get out and enjoy some holiday events.
If you event is outside here are some tips to make the most of it.
Get there early enough to find close parking. Especially if you are going with young children, walking a few blocks and standing around can equal crankiness.
If your children are 3 or younger use a stroller or a wagon to tote them around and provide a place for you to store items.
Make sure you have your cellphone to coordinate meeting up or regroup.
Dress warm and in layers. Have a hat, gloves, scarf, warm socks, and shoes nothing can make an outdoor event miserable like cold toes and fingers.
Scope out a nearby restaurants and coffee shops for a break from the cold or bathroom break (An app like yelp can be helpful)
Bring snacks and thermos with hot chocolate.
If you are going into NYC and are driving know where you are going to park and how you are going to get from place to place.
If you are taking the Ferry in I highly recommend the NYC waterway App which is a lifesaver for getting your bus back to the ferry terminal. You can even purchase you ferry tickets ahead of time and show the phone screen at the boat.
Hopefully these tips will make you event more enjoyable and now onto the events
Live Shows
The Nutcracker - Ballet
David H. Koch Theatre at Lincoln Center
Now through December 30th
Best Priced Seats starting at $29 are 11/29,12/4,5,6,11,12 (Mat & Eve) or 212-496-0600
Paramus Catholic High School 425 Paramus Road Paramus NJ
Featuring the Internationally acclaimed Donetsk Ballet
Dec 7&8 at 7:00 PM Dec 9th at 2 PM
Tickets are $35-$40
Arts and Crafts Shows
Saturday December 1 9 am-4 pm
Christmas Craft boutique & bake sale
St. Philip the Apostle school
797 Valley Road Clifton NJ
Free Admission over 40 Vendors
Sunday December 2 10 am -4 pm
Indoor Arts and Craft Show
Clifton Jewish Center
18 Delaware Street Clifton NJ
December 1-2 11 am - 5 pm
Hoboken City Hall Holiday Craft Fair
94 Washington Street
for more information goto or call 201-239-6639
House Tours
Van Riper-Hopper House Museum
Dutch American Holidays-Living History
Nov. 30, Dec. 1, Dec. 2 12:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Period decorations, music, holiday food and games of the past at Van Riper-Hopper House Museum
533 Berdan Ave., Wayne, NJ 07470
Admission:$5 adult; $1 child
Saturday Dec 1
Tea at 2:00 and Tour betwenn 3:30 - 7:00 pm
$25 per person
For tickets and information, call 732-449-0577 or 732-449-9090
Model Trains
Ramapo Valley Model Railroad Club Holiday Show
12/2, 12/9 and 12/16 1-4 pm
620 Cliff Ave Ho-Ho-Kus NJ
Annual Holiday open house featuring more than 500 feet of mainline track
Holiday Model Railroad Sound and Light Show
11/30,12/2 and 12/7-9
295 Jefferson Ave Union NJ 908-964-9724
Train Festival
Camden Children's Garden
3 Riverside Drive Camden NJ
Model Trains, Crafts, and a reading of The Polar Express
Check dates
Real Trains
The Santa Train
December 8, 2012
Westfield station ( between North Avenue and South Avenue at the foot of Summit Avenue)
Raritan station (between Thompson Street and Anderson Street, 1/4 mile south of Route 202
The Jersey Central Chapter, in conjunction with Santa and Mrs. Claus is operating a Santa Claus Special for the kids. The train departs from Raritan at 8:30 AM and also from the eastbound platform (off South Avenue) of the Westfield Station in Westfield at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. There is no afternoon departure from Raritan. The trip features Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus along with a few of Santa's helpers. There are sing-a-longs, candy canes and coloring books for the kids. In addition, each car on the train features a drawing for a trainset; that's ten train sets per trip! The trains operate west to Highbridge, NJ and back, a two hour trip. Santa pays a visit to each car and is more than happy to pose for pictures with the kids. This year, tickets are only $14.00 for adults and $12.00 for children age 1 to 12. Children under 1 are FREE. So join Santa and the crew for two hours of fun and Christmas joy!!!
To Purchase tickets & infomation visit JCRHS Hotline (908) 233-3603 or email at
Whippany Railway Museum's 21st Annual Santa Claus Special
The Santa Claus Special departs the Whippany station on:Sunday, December 2 Saturday, December 8 Sunday, December 9 Saturday, December 15 Sunday, December 16, 2012
The 10-mile, 45-minute round trip excursion from Whippany to Roseland and return allows riders time to enjoy the Spirit of the Season and the merriment on the train. All of our past trips over the last 20 years have been virtual sell-outs, and seeing the excited faces of the children as they climb aboard the Christmas Holiday-decorated trains, ensures an afternoon of Family Fun. During each excursion, Santa makes his way through the train and visits with every child onboard. Santa's helpers follow along, giving the kids a special gift from Santa. Be sure to bring your camera and take pictures of the kids with Santa, so they can always remember their day onboard the train! order tickets on line at Any available walk up tickets go on sale at the Museum ticket office each operating day at 12 Noon.
(973) 887-8177
Nov 28th 80th Tree Lighting at Rockefeller Center
The 2012 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree will be lit for the first time on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 with live and taped performances from 7-9 PM, at Rockefeller Plaza, between West 48th and West 51st Streets and 5th and 6th Avenues. Tens of thousands will crowd the sidewalks for the event and hundreds of millions will watch it live across the globe. The Tree will remain lit and can be viewed until 11pm on January 7th, 2013.
Holiday Light Show
Nov 26-Jan 2
Lake Meone in Historic Smithville
615 East Moss Mill Road
Over 100 Christmas trees float magically on the lake in this orchestrated show of lights and music
Festival of Trees
Red Mill Museum Village
56 Main Street Clinton NJ
Dozens of Beautifully decorated trees dot the village
Season of Light
Sat & Sun now through 12/30 3-4 PM
Newark Museum
49 Washington Street Newark NJ
Holiday Planetarium show traces many of the worlds holiday customs
From Santa Claus and the Yiule Log to Christmas Tree Lights and the Hanukah menorah
Christmas in Cape May
Now through Jan/3
Seaside Town is transformed into a Dickens Holiday Village Christmas Celebration
Christmas Tree and Neapolitian Baroque Creche
Metropolitian Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Ave NYC
A vivid eighteenth Centure Nativity scene and lighting ceremonies
Annual Origami Tree
American Museum of Natural History 79th Street NYC
The display pays tribute to some of the museums biggest and best
including the Blue Whale, Dinosaurs, and the Space Shuttle
Family day at the Montclair Art Museum
3 South Mountain Ave Montclair NJ
December 2nd
Participate in a day of Museum wide art activities
Downtown for the Hoilidays in Ridgewood
11/30 5:30 pm -9 pm (Lighting takes place at 7:30)
Annual Tree Lighting ceremony
Live music and theatrical Performances
Food Games and lots of Holiday Cheer
Happy Holidays
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