Based on Wendy Orr's popular children's novel, Nim's Island is an engaging, family-friendly adventure with a charming performance by Abigail Breslin (from Little Miss Sunshine) and a surprisingly comedic performance from Jodie Foster as a "Borderline agoraphobe" who must get past her fears to get to Nim. (She also has an alter ego Alex Rover-Adventure Hero who she funny interactions with)
The animals in the Story are very entertaining and keep kids busting out with laughter for the hour and 35 minutes. There are some intense scenes (Like when Nim Climbs the Volcano) That can create some anxiety for the little ones but these are short and quickly resolved. There is a few underlying messages in this movie (Environmental responsibility and overcoming your fears)
Prior to seeing this movie I wasn't sure that we get through the whole show. (We generally go to animated features previous visits to the theatre for Alvin and the Chipmunks and The Water Horse were cut short)
Nim (Abigail Breslin) and her dad, Jack (Gerard Butler), have been tucked away on their own private tropical island since Nim's mom died. They live in a treehouse complete with electricity provided by solar panels, hang out with sea lions and marine iguanas, and only communicate with the rest of the world via email and satellite phone (of course they have a computer). Everything is fine until Jack heads out for a short research expedition and gets stranded by a nasty tropical storm, leaving Nim to fend for herself. At first she takes it in stride, (Nim is a very self-sufficient 11 year old and stayed behind to save some turtle hatchlings) but eventually, worried and lonely, she confesses some of her fears to adventure novelist Alex Rover (Who she has been communicating with because she is doing research on a volcanic Island for her upcoming book) --never guessing that the intrepid hero she's imagined is really a neurotic, scaredy-cat woman (Jodie Foster). When tourists threaten the island, Nim asks Alex for help, challenging the writer to overcome her fears and become "the hero of her own story."
Final Verdict: Go See it with Kids around 4 and over.
Z-girls Favorite part was the flying Lizzards
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Nim's Island Review
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